
  • Organizations
  • Business Units
  • Locations (single and multiple)
  • Vendor
  • Customer
  • Pricing & Discount
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Templates
  • Imports(Product, Inventory, Customer, Vendor)
  • Tax Calculation
  • Tax Exemption

Item Management

  • Item Catalog
  • Item Pictures
  • Category, Unit Cost, Unit Price
  • Item UoM (Single and Multiple UoM)
  • Item Min and Max, Re-ordering
  • Inventory, Non-Inventory, Service, and Charge Items
  • Assembly and Bill of Materials (BOM)
  • Intercompany and Replication
  • Commissions Calculation
  • Barcode, Label Printing, Scanning
  • Vendor Item Numbers

Purchase & Vendor

Sales & Customer

Retail & POS

  • Customer Selection
  • Multiple UOM
  • Pricing & Discount
  • Exchange
  • Line Discount
  • Line Discount Amount
  • Total Discount
  • Total Discount Amount
  • Void & Suspend Orders
  • Receipt Printing
  • Barcode Scanning
  • Transactions & Refund
  • Freight, Tax Calulation
  • Additonal Infotamtion (Payment Terms, Shipment Type,Tracking No., Ship Methog)


Industry Extension

Insightful Reports

  • Sales Report
  • Low Stock Report
  • Over Stock Report
  • Back Order Reports
  • Profit & Loss Report
  • Inventory Value Report
  • Customer Sales Report
  • Stock Projection Report
  • Inventory History Report
  • Stock Adjustment Log
  • Import & Transfer Log
  • Reporting and Analytics
  • Custom Reports

Platform & Apps

Improve inventory control with our advanced platforms and apps, ensuring seamless tracking and efficient management.

Sell everywhere, painlessly
Get up and running today.


Schedule a Demo

Book some time with one of our Product Experts to see Goods Order Inventory in action and to start your free trial.